So I was thinking back to when I got baptized in November 2011. (I've been a believer since I was 4 but I hadn't been baptized till then) On my notes for why I wanted to be baptized, I likened baptism to a wedding. You already know you love each other and want to be together, but the wedding is the public declaration of your love and commitment to each other. For better or for worse, till death do us part. (Though with God, not even death will part us!) And baptism is the same, a public declaration of your faith, love, and commitment to God.
Anyway, I've been thinking about that lately, and reading articles about marriage and courtship and such (I love courtship stories, I'm very much a romantic at heart). And a lot of them have been talking about how a marriage takes work, after the honeymoon feelings fade and the mushy gushyness goes away, the relationship takes work. This is the stage where you either give up and take the easy way out, or, you stay true to your vows and work at the relationship. Taking the time to rekindle your relationship, spending time together, talking to one another, instead of going by feelings only and letting it slide.
So even though I may not feel God right now, He has promised that He will never leave or forsake me, so I'm not about to give up on my side. I'm going to keep at this relationship, and even if I never feel Him again, though it would hurt terribly, I will follow Him. My love for him is not dependant on feelings. Besides, He loves me much more than I could ever fathom, or love Him, and I know He wants the best for me, even though it may make no sense to my human understanding.
Though I must say, I can't wait till Eternity when I will see Him at last!
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:20b
Hope you have a fantastic week!